
I am tech executive with 17 years of experience in software engineering management across internet-based services and SaaS environments. I have had the privilege of leading diverse and high-performing tech teams, blending strategic oversight with hands-on mentorship. My expertise spans software development, team leadership, and cybersecurity. Beyond the corporate sphere, I am passionate about extending learning opportunities through "Glitch Grind Glow", a podcast I created to help narrow the technology gap for minorities. This platform is dedicated to empowering those entering the tech industry and aiding small businesses in leveraging technology for growth.

I firmly believe in the power of diversity to foster innovative and impactful solutions. In my roles, I strive to create environments that balance structure with the flexibility needed to spark innovation. My approach to translating complex business goals into effective technical strategies helps align tech initiatives with broader business objectives. Through continuous professional development and a strategic vision for technology governance, I am committed to contributing positively to the tech community as a leader and mentor.

What I Do

Tech Education

Cutting-edge tech education programs designed to equip participants with the latest skills in software development, cybersecurity, and tech innovation, preparing them for success in a rapidly evolving industry.

CTO As-A-Service

Gain access to executive-level technology leadership and strategic guidance without the full-time executive commitment, perfect for startups and companies looking to scale their tech capabilities efficiently.

Mentorship Program Design

Develop a structured mentorship program tailored to your organization’s needs, fostering an environment of growth, skill enhancement, and career development for emerging tech talent.

Tech Startup Advisor

Leverage expert advice on navigating the tech startup landscape, from initial concept through to scaling and exit strategies, ensuring your business makes strategic decisions at every stage.

Cyber Security Expert

Secure your digital assets with cybersecurity consulting that offers comprehensive risk assessments, strategic security planning, and the implementation of robust defense mechanisms against emerging threats.

Public Speaking

public speaking engagements that inspire and educate on leadership, coaching high-performing teams, and fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in the tech industry.



12 Years of Experience



B.S. Computer Science

Programming, algorithms, data structures, software engineering, databases, artificial intelligence, computer networks, security, theory of computation, and operating systems, with a focus on problem-solving skills

John Hopkins University

M.S. System Engineering

Systems design, project management, process improvement, quality control, systems integration, requirements analysis, risk management, optimization, and the study of complex system behaviors


2018 - Present

Tech Director

Spearheaded the development and submission of 12 DoD proposals, devising robust technical solutions that led to the securement of key contracts valued at over $30M, while highlighting past performance to establish credibility and trust.

Established as a subject matter expert in software engineering, cyber security, and signals intelligence, delivering pivotal insights that directed the strategic direction of 5 major projects, enhancing project outcomes and operational efficiency.

Fostered cross-departmental collaboration by instituting regular sync meetings and integrated project dashboards, which enhanced project coordination by 30% and improved team cohesion across 4 departments.

2022 -2023
Capital One

Senior Ui/Ux Designer

Directed a technical engineering organization in developing cutting-edge digital fraud and dispute systems, reducing case resolution times by 25% and enhancing customer satisfaction ratings by 15% for credit card services.

Oversaw 8 teams in a 50+ member software development organization, driving the bi-monthly release of 30+ new features and critical bug fixes that increased system stability by 40% and user engagement by 20%.

2020 - Present

Chief Technology Officer

Strategically expanded and managed a diverse team of in-house developers, graphic designers, and offshore staff, enhancing project output by 40% and reducing time-to-market for critical updates by 25%.

Orchestrated collaborative work sessions across multiple departments, accelerating the design and deployment process by 30%, thereby meeting critical product launch deadlines.

Design Skills

Web Design


User Experience


App Design


Graphic Design


Coding Skills











Cloud Technology



My Works
Glitch Grind Glow Episode

Glitch Grind Glow Episode

YouTube Videos
Glitch Grind Glow Episode

Glitch Grind Glow Episode

YouTube Videos
CashPot Android/iOS App

CashPot Android/iOS App

Mobile App
NurtureUp Caregiving Web App

NurtureUp Caregiving Web App

Web Application


Get in Touch


Laurel, MD

Let's Work Together!